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In the meantime, I have something special for you!
Is pricing your art keeping you from making more money as an artist?
Get the overwhelm and second-guessing out of the equation with this Pricing Calculator and start selling with confidence!

Pricing your art can be quite confronting.
When you think you've nailed your pricing, the second-guessing begins. Am I charging too much? Am I selling myself short? I've been there and... don't tell anybody but I've had my fair share of praying that clients wouldn't scream at me and mock me for daring to charge more than $5 for 10 hours of work everytime I gave them a quote for their commission.
What if it didn't have to be that way?
You didn't become an artist to fight with numbers or stingy clients. You want to share your gift with the world and pay your bills while making a positive impact in the lives of your fans and clients.
Note: When you're confident about your prices and the incredible work you create, it becomes much easier to sell and attract dream clients.
What if you could ditch the self doubt and feel confident in your pricing?
Pricing Calculator
& Income Stream Accelerator
Your new secret weapon to nail your pricing, everytime.
As simple as plugging in your details and getting your pricing recommendations so that you can start selling with confidence and smash your revenue goals!
Here's how the pricing calculator works
This pricing calculator will help you determine what to price your art so you know you'll hit your revenue goals without working yourself to the bone OR second-guessing your pricing.
But, don't draw your life away just yet.
Let's talk scaling and earning more money without working your buns off.
here's the truth
You'll always hit an income ceiling when you trade time for money.
Selling commissions is the easiest and often most effective way you can use to start making money and turning art into a thriving career.
That's how I started monetizing my art and it's still something I do to this day after 10+ years of being an artist. But here's the thing...
There's just one of you.
Selling commissions to clients isn't scalable and you'll always hit an income ceiling that will be very hard to move past.
Even if you raise your prices, even if you work with more clients. Eventually you'll hit this pesky income ceiling again.
And what if you want to take a long vacation? Or you hit a rough patch with no clients?
When you put all of your eggs in one basket and that basket relies on you being there to do the work, your revenue is constantly at risk.
That's why many people believe art to be an unstable career you can't rely on.
So how do you crush this income ceiling and achieve financial stability while working LESS?
Glad you asked! By setting up more than one income stream that generates revenue for you on a consistent basis, of course! When you set up multiple sources of income (preferably of passive income so it doesn't require you to be working 24/7) you'll be able to scale your income and earn more money while working less.
You'll even be able to take a vacation, a sabbatical or just chill out in your sofa watching anime knowing you've got systems in place to make money for you on autopilot.
The Income Stream Accelerator
Choose your income streams
Inside of the income stream accelerator you'll find the 10+ most common income streams for artists so that you can choose the ones that resonate with you the most.
Project your revenue
Once you've selected your income streams of choice, project the revenue you can generate from each based on your audience size, the number of streams you've selected and your revenue goals.
Hit your revenue goals
Check your projected revenue totals. Are they enough to hit your monthly revenue goals? Do you need to set up additional income streams or find ways to earn more from the ones you've selected?
Set them up & Start making money!
Now that you know what income streams you're going to be using, it's time to set them up! Once money starts coming in from all of your income streams, be sure to track everything in your Monthly & Quarterly Income Trackers! Woo!
Ready to nail your pricing, sell with confidence & earn more while working less?

Due to the digital nature of this item, no refunds will be given. All sales are final.